Marjory Rowan McLeod

The RSOBHD are deeply saddened to hear of the passing of Marjory Rowan McLeod on 13th July 2024. Marjory was closely involved with the Board from its early days.  Her first position was as delegate for the Victoria (Australia) Scottish Highland Dancing Association.  She was appointed Secretary/Treasurer and served the Board in that capacity and eventually as Director of Administration for over 50 years and an Independent Member.  Marjory was a Championship and competition winner and taught many champions, including World Champions.  She was also a judge, examiner, and competition organiser for many years.

Marjory’s funeral will take place on Wednesday 31st July at 1.30pm in the Pentland Chapel, Mortonhall Crematorium, Edinburgh

Our thoughts are with Marjory’s family and friends at this time.

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